We have begun implementation of the Restored Order as directed by Archbishop Aquila in 2015.
The Restored Order of the Sacraments of Initiation places the reception of Confirmation before the reception of 1st Eucharist. Preparation is a 2-year process, beginning in Grade 2 with the sacrament of Reconciliation in the first year. This is the only sacrament students will receive in Year 1. In Year 2, preparation will begin for the sacraments of Confirmation AND Eucharist. Students will celebrate both of these sacraments at one ceremony, typically in late spring.
During this time, parents will be the primary catechists for thier children. Parents will receive the necessary books to begin preparing their children, and sufficient time will be alloted to complete the process. Parents will be required to attend monthly classes on the first Sunday of the month during the academic year to help them with ongoing formation and support. All children preparing for sacraments must be enrolled in Sunday Religious Education Classes to further develop their knowledge of the Catholic faith.
While this method is a significant change from the way most of us have experienced sacraments growing up, there is plenty of opportunity for rich and meaningful catechesis within the family. We hope that you find it educational and enjoyable.
Click here to read more about the Restored Order and the Archbishop's Pastoral Letter on the subject entitled Saints Among Us.